Oficina de Administración Financiera
The Financial Administration Bureau, with a staff of 16, is responsible for the Department’s accounting and financial analysis which is essential to the orderly operation and due diligence of the organization. Functions include, but are not limited to: budgets, projections, audits, invoicing, rate development, payroll, accounts receivables, accounts payables, requisitions, trusts, jail commissary, inmate welfare fund, cash counts, reconciliations, internal service fund analysis, grant accounting and reporting, Federal & State program audits, contract development, and overall financial monitoring. Additionally, a substantial amount of time is spent interfacing with the Auditor-Controller’s office, the Chief Executive’s Office, the five contract cities, and the Courts. The Business Office has oversight responsibilities for a general fund budget that currently exceeds $220,000,000 with associated offset revenues of approximately $108,000,000. In addition, various trusts and the inmate welfare/commissary, account for another $13,500,000 in fiscal responsibilities.