Oficina de Servicios de Emergencia
Who we are
The Office of Emergency Services (OES) is a division of the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office consisting of emergency managers from a variety of background experience, including law enforcement, fire, planning, technology experts and finance. Together, this powerhouse team manages a full-time plus operation of daily operations and emergency activities.
Our Mission
To protect life, property and the environment by leading the development and implementation of a cooperative countywide plan for emergency preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery drawing from all local, state and federal resources.
What We Do
Using a whole community approach, OES coordinates with County agencies, the ten Cities, as well as public and private organizations and community groups to lead countywide disaster planning, mitigation, response and recovery activities.
Daily Operations
OES updates and maintains local emergency response plans, provides Countywide training and exercises to public safety personnel, maintains and exercises the emergency notification systems, manages grant-funded preparedness projects, and provides public education and information on preparing for disasters to unincorporated areas and through the ten Cities.
When Disaster Strikes
In the event of a disaster, OES activates the County’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC), which is a centralized location for coordinating countywide emergency response activities., supporting field operations and coordinating damage assessments and cost recovery from state and federal governments . Ventura County utilizes the National Incident Management System and Standard Emergency Management System to establish common operating procedures and to ensure an effective organizational structure for a unified disaster response. OES regularly provides training on these incident management systems to local public safety personnel
OES, in partnership with the Ventura County Human Services Agency, is responsible for the preparation, planning and deployment of the Mass Care and Shelter system. The County’s comprehensive evacuation and shelter plan is supported by a large-scale supply of inventory and equipment specifically designed to meet the needs of displaced Ventura County residents during a disaster. This well-equipped team is trained, exercised and ready to respond.
Emergency Information
VC Alert is the County’s emergency notification system, which is used to communicate life safety messaging to specific areas. Register today at www.vcalert.org.
VC Emergency is the County’s emergency website for communicating up-to-date emergency information on active incidents. Bookmark www.vcemergency.com as a trusted resource today!
How You Can Prepare
While public safety is dedicated to protecting community members in a disaster, the key to whole community resilience comes down to individual activities. We believe that preparedness is everyone’s responsibility and encourage everyone to follow the four basic steps to preparedness: Stay Informed, Make a Plan, Build a Kit, Get Involved. For more information and tips on how to start your preparedness journey, visit us at www.readyventuracounty.org.